Automatic Defibrillator (AED)

The club is fully equipped with an automatic defibrillator, which is used to restart a patient’s heart in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest.

It is simple to use and talks you through it’s use, the adult pads are already attched, but it can also be used for children aged 1-8 years by swapping the adult pads for the paediatric pads.

If you’re are a sports user of the club, please take 10 minutes to watch the two videos below. One is an overview of CPR/AED from the St Johns Ambulance, the second is a training video for the defibrillator the club has.

The AED is kept behind the bar, and can be accessed by asking a member of bar staff.

Hall For Hire Dagengam Romford
Hall For Hire Dagengam Romford

RevivR CPR Training

Online training and apps to download.